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Welcome to Chaffey College’s Career Technical Education (CTE) programs – career-focused curricula which prepare students for jobs and careers.  In other words, CTE students develop skills and competencies, and gain knowledge leading to success in the workplace. We serve students who are seeking jobs, keeping jobs, advancing in jobs, transitioning in jobs, and/or seeking further formal education.

As applied academic programs, CTE programs combine occupational preparedness with academic proficiencies and include the Student Core Competency of Career Development.  These career training  programs serve students through equal access to quality learner-centered career, transfer, general education, and foundation courses by addressing the needs of diverse populations, including both transfer and non-transfer students. 

To ensure that we offer highest quality, state-of-the-art curricula and training, CTE programs work closely with Advisory Committees, which are made up of knowledgeable and committed volunteer professionals from local businesses, industries, and educational institutions. CTE educators meet with these industry partners regularly to discuss trends in the workforce and employment and employability standards. Using Labor Market studies and projections and individual experiences, these professionals offer advice and support that contribute significantly to CTE programs improvement. Together the faculty and other committee members develop best practices for measuring curriculum effectiveness and currency. 

Students can complete career-focused certificate and/or degree programs for a fraction of the cost of going to for-profit institutions. Chaffey College’s instructors are highly qualified and meet accreditation standards.  
Please browse the website to explore the many Chaffey College CTE programs we offer.

For more information or to connect to one of our CTE Counselors (tab above). 

Joy G. Haerens, Dean
Business & Applied Technology
Economic Development 


Vanessa Thomas
Associate Dean
Strong Workforce

Dulce Spencer
Administrative Assistant II
Strong Workforce

Supporting Staff

Laura Myers

Educational Program Assistant

Melissa Ruiz-deLeon

Administrative Assistant II

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